Friday, March 27, 2009

"Let the Right One In" is available on DVD

Somehow this slipped by me, but Let The Right One In is now available in the U.S. on DVD. (please see update below) It is one of the best vampire movies I have ever seen, but it would still be a great story, even without the vampire stuff.
Without giving too much away, the movie is about a 12 year old boy named Oscar who is tormented by some vicious bullies in his school. It seems like Oscar is at his breaking point, and do something very bad to the bullies. A girl named Eli, the same age as him moves in next door. She happens to be a vampire. The man she lives with kills people to get her blood so she can survive. Eli and Oscar become friends, and she teaches him a thing or two. This movie puts crap like Twilight to shame.
See it now before they ruin it with an American remake.
Watch the trailer below. You will not be disappointed.

UPDATE: I have removed the link to buy the DVD because the current DVD release has really botched subtitles. I saw the theatrical release which has perfect subtitling. To read more, go here:

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